+44 79257 53172
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Current activity readiness?
1 - I'm not physically active
2 - I'm occasionally active
3 - I do regular walks/jogs
4 - I'm exercising at home
5 - I'm already going to the gym
Select an option
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Clients responsibilities
I understand Clients responsibilities.
1. All payments must be received prior to the scheduled session. All payments are made to the Trainer directly, no third parties are involved. The Gym Group is not involved in this transactions. 2. All bundles are made on a one month plan except of the 6-week offer. The sessions bought have to be used within 30 days (one month) or 6 weeks in case of purchasing the 6-week offer. In case of any sickness or holidays, extension can be arranged for the validity of up to additional 2 (two) weeks maximum. 3. Client is expected to discuss all health history information and any medical concerns with the Trainer. Also any change in health conditions that might affect training need to be notified before next booked session. 4. All appointments must begin on time and end one hour after the scheduled starting time. Any time lost due to client’s tardiness is considered part of the appointment and is non-refundable. The Personal Trainer is expected to wait 15 minutes for a client at which time the session is forfeited. 5. Client must give 12 hours notice for session cancellation. Failure to do so will result in forfeiture of that one session. 6. Client will communicate any discomforts, pain or concerns experienced during or arising from a session. 7. Client acknowledges that they are in good health and physically able to participate in a personalised program. By signing below, client acknowledges and agrees that they have no limiting health conditions that would preclude participation in an exercise programme, and will immediately inform the trainer if such health condition arises during the client’s training participation.
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Trainers responsibilities
I understand Trainers responsibilities.
1. Your Personal Trainer will design a personalised program that meets the client's needs and goals agreed at the initial consultation that is age appropriate, effective and conductive. 2. Each session will last at least 50 minutes, but will not exceed 1 hour. 3. Your Personal Trainer will provide guidance regarding proper exercises techniques. 4. Your Personal Trainer will maintain a record of client’s progress and provide necessary feedback. 5. Your trainer will evaluate and modify the personalised program as necessary according to the client’s progress, needs and goals. 6. If your Personal Trainer is late for a session, that time is owed to the client. 7. The Personal Trainer must notify the client at least 4 hours prior to session, if they must cancel; at which time the session will be rescheduled.
You need to agree with the terms to proceed
I agree with Terms & Conditions.
You need to agree with the terms to proceed
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